
Showing posts from April, 2021

Arundhati kesh(Coma berenices)

  Berenice   was queen of Egypt in   245 BC.   Her name meant   bringer of victory,   and she was renown for her striking beauty, and the loveliness of her long golden hair(coma). When her husband, King Ptolemy III, left to lead his armies to war against the Syrians, Berenice prayed every day to the Venus  Goddess , for his safe return.  When news came that the war was going badly, she cut off her beautiful golden hairs, and laid them on the alter as an offering, in the hopes that it might please the goddess, and she would protect her husband. Ptolemy returned safe and victorious the next day. When he knew  his wife's sacrifice, he went to the alter himself to thank the goddess for her protection, only to find the alter empty, and the queen's hair stolen.  In a rage, he vowed to kill all the priests who tended the alter.  But that night, the royal astronomer, Conon, came to the king's court, and announced that the missing hair had b...

Chaitra month

  13 the April 2021.First day of Chaitra  month .Shaliwahan Shak. Hindu  New year started . Chitra(Spica) rises in the East in this month. The full moon is in this Nakshatra in this month.   If you  look a little further from Hasta Nakshatra , you will see a beautiful shining star, its name is Chitra. It's half part is in Virgo(Kanya Rashi) &  half part is in Libra( Tul Rashi). Chitra Nakshatra and Punarvasu Nakshatra are mentioned together in a story. The two stars in Punarvasu Nakshatra, that is, the two demons once performed Mahayagya for getting Swarg. To break this yajnya, Indra took the form of a Brahmin and advised them to place his gold brick in that yajnya. But shortly after the yajnya began, the Brahmin asked for his brick back and quickly removed the brick from the yajnya to break the yajnya and threw it into the sky. The demons also jumped into the sky to catch that brick. The two demons are the Punarvasu Nakshatra and the golden brick is...

Hydra - Vasuki the serpent King

  Vasuki is a  serpent  king   in  Hindu   and   Buddhist religion .  He is described as having a gem called  Nagamani  on his head.  Vasuki is  Shiva 's snake. He is known in Chinese and Japanese mythology as being one of the "eight Great Dragon Kings"  amongst Nanda (Nagraj), Upananda, Sagara (Shakara),  Takshaka , Balavan, Anavatapta and Utpala. Vasuki is famous for coiling around L ord Shiva's neck, who blessed and wore him as an  ornament . Vasuki took part in the incident of  Samudra manthana  by allowing both the devas  and the asuras  to bind him to Mount   Mandara , so that they could use him as their churning   rope  to extract the Amrita  from the ocean of milk . Vasuki is also mentioned in other Hindu   scriptures , such as Ramayana  and Mahabharata . In the Buddhist   mythology, Vasuki and the other Naga Kings appear in the audience for ma...

Corvus , Crater & Hydra

In Greek mythology, it signifies a Raven   and is    connected with Apollo and Crater. Crater constellation is the cup of the gods  that belonged to Apollo.  The god  Apollo  sent the  crow  to fetch water in a cup for a sacrifice.  The crow landed near a   fig   tree and neglected its mission for several days while it waited for the figs to ripen. He came back to his master with the cup and the serpent Hydra in his claws and claimed that the snake prevented him from filling the cup.  Apollo thought the raven is lying and tossed all of them into the sky and captured them as constellations. The cup was out of reach, for him to make sure the bird is always thirsty. The shape of Hydra resembles a twisting  snake , and features as such in some Greek myths. It is also associated with the monster  Hydra , with its many heads, killed by  Hercules , represented in  another constellation . According to leg...

Corvus (Hasta)

 Though the constellation is very small it's story is big. Corvus constellation is connected to Apollo’s bird (raven, crow) from Greek mythology.  According to the story, the bird had white feathers and was sent to watch over Coronis, one of Apollo’s lovers who was pregnant.  Coronis wasn’t that much interested in Apollo and fell in love with a mortal man named Itchy.  When the raven reported back to Apollo, he became extremely raged for a bird because he didn't stop this affair.  He threw a curse on a bird scorching the raven’s feathers, and that is actually of the story on how did the ravens got its black feathers.  Apollo sent Artemis to kill his lover, but right before she was declared dead, her unborn child was cut out of her womb and given to Chiron who raised him.  The name of the child is Asclepius and he grew becoming a famous healer and serpent bearer. He is now represented by the constellation of  Ophiuchus . I have told you his story i...