Corvus , Crater & Hydra

In Greek mythology, it signifies a Raven 
 and is  connected with Apollo and Crater.

Crater constellation is the cup of the gods that belonged to Apollo. 

The god Apollo sent the crow to fetch water in a cup for a sacrifice. 
The crow landed near a fig tree and neglected its mission for several days while it waited for the figs to ripen.

He came back to his master with the cup and the serpent Hydra in his claws and claimed that the snake prevented him from filling the cup.

 Apollo thought the raven is lying and tossed all of them into the sky and captured them as constellations. The cup was out of reach, for him to make sure the bird is always thirsty.

The shape of Hydra resembles a twisting snake, and features as such in some Greek myths.It is also associated with the monster Hydra, with its many heads, killed by Hercules, represented in another constellation.According to legend, if one of the Hydra's heads was cut off, two more would grow in its place. However, Hercules' nephew, Iolaus, seared the necks with a torch to prevent them from growing back and thus enabled Hercules to overcome the Hydra.
So it's all about Corvus & Hydra.
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