Corvus (Hasta)

 Though the constellation is very small it's story is big.

Corvus constellation is connected to Apollo’s bird (raven, crow) from Greek mythology.

 According to the story, the bird had white feathers and was sent to watch over Coronis, one of Apollo’s lovers who was pregnant.

 Coronis wasn’t that much interested in Apollo and fell in love with a mortal man named Itchy.

 When the raven reported back to Apollo, he became extremely raged for a bird because he didn't stop this affair.

 He threw a curse on a bird scorching the raven’s feathers, and that is actually of the story on how did the ravens got its black feathers. 

Apollo sent Artemis to kill his lover, but right before she was declared dead, her unborn child was cut out of her womb and given to Chiron who raised him.

 The name of the child is Asclepius and he grew becoming a famous healer and serpent bearer. He is now represented by the constellation of Ophiuchus.

I have told you his story in that post.

Still more stories to come of Corvus.

Bye then.Do comment.


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