
रेवती नक्षत्राची पुराणकथा

***रेवती नक्षत्राची पुराणकथा***  रेवतीची कथा महाभारत आणि भागवत पुराण यांसारख्या अनेक पुराणग्रंथांमध्ये दिलेली आहे. विष्णु पुराणात रेवतीची कथा पुढीलप्रमाणे सांगितली आहे, राजा काकुद्मी (कधीकधी काकुडमीन किंवा रेवताचा मुलगा रैवता असेही म्हणतात) हा  कुशस्थलीचा राजा होता. रेवती ही  काकुद्मीची एकुलती एक मुलगी होती. आपल्या लाडक्या आणि हुशार मुलीशी लग्न करण्यासाठी पृथवीवरचा कोणीही मनुष्य लायक नाही, असे वाटून काकुद्मीने रेवतीला ब्रह्मलोकात - ब्रह्मदेवाच्या निवासस्थानी नेले. जेव्हा ते आले तेव्हा ब्रह्मा गंधर्वांचे संगीत ऐकत होते, म्हणून ते कार्यक्रम संपेपर्यंत धीराने थांबले. मग, काकुद्मीने नम्रपणे नमस्कार केला, विनंती केली आणि आपल्या उमेदवारांची निवड यादी सादर केली. ब्रह्मदेव मोठ्याने हसले आणि समजावून सांगितले की वेगवेगळ्या लोकांमधे काळ वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारे चालतो .आणि त्यांना  भेटण्यासाठी त्यांनी ब्रह्मलोकात घालवलेल्या अल्पावधीच्या काळातच पृथ्वीवर 27 चतुर्युग होऊन गेले होते आणि सर्व उमेदवार फार पूर्वीच मरण पावले होते.  ब्रह्मदेव पुढे म्हणाले की काकुद्मी आता एकटाच आहे कारण त्याचे मित्र, मंत्री, न

Pisces constellation-Meen rashi

Pisces is a constellation of the zodiac.  It's a vast bulk – and main asterism viewed  as a distant pair of fishes connected by one cord each that join at an apex – is in the Northern celestial hemisphere.  Its name is the Latin plural for fish.. Ancient astronomers counted twelve stars as belonging to Pisces, though one was later incorporated into nearby Grus as Gamma Gruis.Other stars became part of Microscopium.  The two fish of the constellation Pisces are said to be the offspring of the Great Fish.  In Egyptian mythology, this fish saved the life of the Egyptian goddess Isis, so she placed this fish and its descendants into the heavens as constellations of stars. This story is given in detail in the blog of 'Great Fish. ' In Greek mythology, there is a similar tale associated with Pisces.   The Greek myth of the fishes goes back to the end of the Gigantomachy, the decisive battle that fought between the Giants and the Olympian gods for supremacy of the cosmos.  In a la

Uttara Bhadrapada (26)Revati (27)

We are on the last stop of  our journey of Nakshatras. The Nakshatras are Uttara Bhadrapada & Revati. Last time we have seen the great square Pegasus or the great horse. The two stars in the front are Poorva Bhadrapada & following two stars are Uttara Bhadrapada,26th Nakshatra. The month is Ashwin.It starts on 3rd October,on the auspicious day of Ghatsthapana. In this month Ashvini Nakshtra,the first one,rises at 8 pm in the night at East. So our round journey of Nakshatras is completed.   Draw a straight line between 2 stars of Ashwin & Uttara Bhadrapada . Then from midpoint of it extend one line to get 3stars in straight line.  That's the Revati Nakshatra,27th & the last one. I have written about it in my another post. Revati  Nakshatra  & Einstein's  theory Do read it ,very interesting story. The Rashi is Meen,the 12th & the last one. Meen means fish & in Engl

Nakshatras (23,24,25)

Bhadrapad Month , the 6th one, started on 4 September 2024, when the Poorva Bhadrapada  Nakshtra rising in the East. Poorva Bhadrapada is part of Pegasus Constellation. It's called as Great horse महाश्व,उचै:श्रवा in Hindu mythology. The Rashi is Kumbh rashi,the 11th one & it consists of 3 Nakshatras,Dhanishthaधनिष्ठा ,the 23rd,Shatatarka शततारका ,the 24th  & Poorva Bhadrapada, पूर्वा भाद्रपदा the 25th .  Kumbha Rashi stands for the zodiac sign Aquarius and is ruled by 2 important planets that is (Saturn and Rahu).  Dhanishtha is Delphinus constellation,it's shape is like Dolphin 🐬 The name Dhanishta means "the wealthiest" or "the most beneficent" Though the name is Shatatarka,these stars are very faint, you can not see them. According to the Hindu mythology,each star is a madicinal plant which gives 1year of life,& the Kumbh made by 100 stars will give100 years of life , so Varun God used to bless Gods with 100 years of life with the help of it.

Shravan Nakshatra (22) & Makar Rashi (10)

 The 5th month of Marathi calendar Shravan started on 5th August 2024. The name is because of Shravan Nakshatra.It is 22nd in the order. It rises at 8 pm towards East in this month. It is situated at the bottom of Scorpio .See the pic. Three stars in line,the middle one is Shravan ,the Altair ,brightest of all  & the 2 stars,which are at both sides, are the parents of him. You can read story of Shravan in my another post, The link is given below. The rashi is Makar Rashi ,10 th in the order,in English it's called as Capricorn.         It is generally depicted as half terrestrial animal in the frontal part  (stag, deer, or elephant) and   half aquatic animal in the hind part (usually of a fish, a seal, or a snake,  though sometimes a peacock or even a floral tail is depicted).  Though Makara may take many different forms throughout Hindu culture,  in the modern world, it's form is always related to the  mars

Poorvashadha (20) & Uttarashadha (21) Nakshatra

6th July,first day of Ashadh, the 4th Marathi month. You might have heard about Mahakavi Kalidas & his Meghdoot. He had described  to a cloud , the route from Ramtek in Nagpur in Maharashtra to Alakanagari in Uttar Pradesh with astonishing  details of geography, nature etc. Ashadhyasya Pratham Divase ...... This  day is celebrated  as Kalidas din!! Okay...... It was a bit  off track.  So we see 2 Nakshatras in  Ashadha month ,on the  East ,Poorvashadha & Uttarashadha,hence the name! It is at the bottom of Scorpio. The rectangle  near the curved portion ;sting of Scorpio ,is called   Poorvashadha.  And the remaining 5 stars form a shape like trunk of elephant , is called Uttarashadha.  Now  you got to know which  constellation I am talking about..... Yes, it is  Sagittarius or a  Teapot. In Hindu mythology also it is called as Dhanu rashi the 9th one. Dhanu means bow. Mul Nakshatra,Poorvashadha & Uttarashadha are included in Dhanu Rashi. More informaton on Sagittarus ,you

Anuradha ,Jyestha & Mul Nakshatras(17,18 &19)

Look in the night sky at 11 pm in this month. You can see the magnificent Scorpio (Vrishchik)  extending all over the East. It's a great pleasure to observe this beautiful object in the night sky. This is Vrishchik Rashi , the 8th in order.                  It consists of 1/4 Vishakha, whole Anuradha & Jyestha.  Today  Friday, 7 June ,3rd month of Hindu calendar started , that is Jyeshth. The name is given from Jyestha Nakshatra 18 th in order;   which is in Vrishchik Rashi; Scorpion . The full moon is in this Nakshatra on Jyesth Pournima.  In Maharashtra, it's celebrated as 'Vat Pournima ' Vrishchik means Scorpio. Jyestha is on the tummy of Scorpio. There are 3 stars, the middle one very bright & red is Jyestha Tara; Antares Star. It is red like Mangal;Mars, therefore called pratimangal; Antares. Anuradha Nakshatra is 17th in order.  In the Scorpion mouth there are 4 stars,which form Anuradha Nakshatra. The Vishakha Nakshatra was called Radha in old days. Anu m