Last days of Prof.P.Devdas

“He was active even during the last phase of his life and took part in all seminars on astronomy.
In 2006 March Devdas was hospitalized  for 5days . Another motorist had caused serious vehicle accident, while he was going  to a conference.
Although he suffered no serious lasting injury,his hearing was impaired

He had missed the 2005 Mars opposition and was looking forward to the next, but in fact his final observations  of the Red Planet were made in 2003.

When he was 91 years old, a 14-inch telescope on the terrace, a five-inch one in the study, and
 copies of Amateur Astronomer’s Handbook and Understanding Earth comprised Devadas’ universe.
Helped in his old age by Komala,Devdas died on 18 December 2015 at 92 years of age.


Now his daughter ,Komala Murugesan which was co-auther for some of his papers ably carries forward his work .
She not only continued his firm,’Devdas Telescoptics’,but arranges star parties for various organisations.

Dr.V.Anand writes blog My Cosmic Connections! In the blog of Saturday, 22 January 2022
He writes about his father
Dr PD Venkatakrishnan,
He greatly admired the late amateur astronomer, Prof P Devadas, FRAS., telescope maker, observational astronomer and selenologist. He was so amazed when we first observed planet Saturn for the first time, distinctly showing its ring. He directed me to learn from Devadas, the nuances of the science of observational astronomy and telescope making. And for his part, Professor P Devadas, took great care in explaining my doubts in astronomy and even paid his last respects to my departed mother enquiring dearly to my father, whose interest in astronomy, scientific outlook and encouragement, he valued and appreciated much.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018
My only connection to astronomy was Prof P Devadas, and astronomy books, and that was before the planetarium came in 1989. As we already had shifted to Madras that is Chennai, I was actively involving in the astronomy activities of Devadas Telescoptics.  I promptly became a member of the then "Madras Astronomy Association," whose president was Prof. P Devadas. The MAA, had its prime time much before my coming into astronomy, and its activities were at its abysmal low. Only Prof P Devadas, was its active everybody. Myself and many youngsters who kept coming to him had lot of expectations for an active association for amateur activities. 
Many youngsters who called on Shri Devadas, later became professional astronomers, and many more remained amateurs. 


  1. Heartening to see references of Mr P Devadas ,my guide for mirror grinding in 1980s.I felt sad ,when in his last days,I was declined to see him.In 1970s Madras astronomical Association meetings will be held regularly in Woodlands hotel.I also got hooked up to Astronomy on seeing Saturn's ring through his telescope at our school.Great personality!His photos through plates are really achievements.


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