Uttara Bhadrapada (26)Revati (27)

We are on the last stop of  our journey of Nakshatras.
The Nakshatras are Uttara Bhadrapada & Revati.

Last time we have seen the great square Pegasus or the great horse.

The two stars in the front are Poorva Bhadrapada & following two stars are Uttara Bhadrapada,26th Nakshatra.

The month is Ashwin.It starts on 3rd October,on the auspicious day of Ghatsthapana.

In this month Ashvini Nakshtra,the first one,rises at 8 pm in the night at East.
So our round journey of Nakshatras is completed.


Draw a straight line between 2 stars of Ashwin & Uttara Bhadrapada .
Then from midpoint of it extend one line to get 3stars in straight line. 
That's the Revati Nakshatra,27th & the last one.

I have written about it in my another post.

Revati  Nakshatra  & Einstein's  theory 


Do read it ,very interesting story.

The Rashi is Meen,the 12th & the last one.
Meen means fish & in English,it is called Pisces also means fish.

Meen rashi consists of Poorva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada & Revati.
In figure it is shown by yellow lines forming a triagular shape.

There is another post on Meen Rashi.
Do read it.

So here completes our journey of Nakshatras.

Bye then....
Do comment.


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