Hast, Chitra & Swati (13,14,15)

 Welcome again to Nakshatra yatra. 

The next Nakshatra is Hast,which is 13th in the order,

also it's the last Nakshatra of mansoon.

In this Nakshatra, the crop is nourished very well.

It's shape is like hand,so the name Hast.

First see Saptarshi in the North.

If you extend the line from last star of Saptarshi on a curved path, you can see 2 bright stars .


The Red one is Swati (Arcturus) & the Blue one is Chitra (Spica).

Extend the line further,then you get a pentagon in the shape of a hand, that's Hast.

If we put a ball at Saptarshi,it will go on rolling on an imaginary line, till it is caught by Hast.

The stars are very bright,so it's called as  necklace in the sky.

So these are13th,14th & 15th Nakshatras.

The Rashi is Kanya,the 6th one.

It's called Virgo in English.

Kanya Rashi consists of 3/4 Uttara Falguni (Denebola), full Hast(Corvus) & 1/2 Spica.

When full moon is in Chitra, the month is Chaitra.

1st month of Marathi Calendar.

On 1st day of Chaitra month,Gudhi Padva, you can see the beautiful necklace hanging in the sky to the East at 9 pm.

Next time next nakshatra, month & Rashi.

Till then good bye.

Happy viewing........


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