Sky in March -Nakshatras (5,6,7)Mrug(5)Ardra(6)Punarvasu(7)

We have seen first 4 Nakshatras last time. 

Now start from Mrug Nakshatra.It's fifth Nakshatra.

Last time we have seen it with large rectangle joining 4 feets of Mrug.

Now see a small triangle in front of the two feets forming an equilateral triangle. 

It's Mrugshirsh.

When full moon comes near to it,it's  marathi month Margshirsh.

Extend the sloping line of 3 stars upwards you get the brightest star in this region of the sky.

It's called as Vyadh (Sirius), the hunter, whose arrow is in the belly of
the Mrug (Deer).
It's called as 'Kohinoor of Southern Hemisphere '

Another line of 3 stars ,nearby the arrow, is the tail of Mrug, bent inwards. 

After Mrug comes Ardra,Sixth Nakshatra, which means wet.

Farmers eagerly wait for this Nakshatra for bowing seeds. 

Then comes Punarvasu,Seventh in the series. 

So we start from it.

You can see a parallogram up in the sky which 3 stars are bright. 

The pair of two bright stars, is the Punrvasu Nakshatra and the other one is Laghulubhdhak,small dog of Vyadh. 

The space between them is known as' Golden Gate of Heaven

 (Swarg Mahadwar )',as all the Planets, Stars pass through it.

If you draw a line joining front foot of Mrug and the star below in Punrvasu ,you get Ardra just offside. 

There are 9 Nakshatras which are called Rain Nakshatras.

First is Mrug,when Sun comes in Mrug Nakshatra,Mansoon starts in India.

It's 7th June of Gregorian calendar.The calendar which is used all over the world.

Ardra, Punarvasu are next in order.

Now about Rashis, here the rashi is Mithun, Gemini in English,the third one. 

The Rashi consists of 1/2 of Mrug,1/3 of Punrvasu & Ardra.

As the sky goes darker, you can see the beautiful Winter Hexagon exactly over head.(at Zenith)

That's all for today. 
Next we will see some more Nakshatras and Rashis .
Till then goodbye. 
Any suggestions are welcomed. 


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