
Centaurus  is a bright constellation in the southern sky.

Indian  name is Narturang (नरतुरंग).

 One of the largest constellations, Centaurus was included among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. 

In Greek mythology, Centaurus represents a centaur; a creature that is half human, half horse (another constellation named after a centaur is one from the zodiac: Sagittarius). 

Notable stars include Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to the Solar System, its neighbour in the sky Beta Centauri, and V766 Centauri, one of the largest stars yet discovered.

The two bright stars are (left) Alpha Centauri and (right) Beta Centauri. The faint red star in the center of the red circle is Proxima Centauri.

 The constellation also contains Omega Centauri, the brightest globular cluster as visible from Earth and the largest identified in the Milky Way, possibly a remnant of a dwarf galaxy.

One reasonable explanation for the origin of the idea of a creature with a horse's body and legs and a man's head, arms and trunk is found in a fairly common expression: "He rides a horse as though he were a part of it." 

The stars of Centaurus are believed to represent Chiron, who was mentioned quite often in Greek mythology. 

Chiron was the son of the Titan king Cronus and the sea nymph Philyra.

Cronus seduced the nymph, but two were surprised by Cronus’ wife Rhea. 
To evade being caught in the act, Cronus turned himself into a horse.

 As a result, Philyra gave birth to a hybrid son.

Chiron was a well-known and respected teacher of medicine, music and hunting. 

He lived in a cave on Mount Pelion and taught many young princes and future heroes  suchlike Jason,we have seen  in the story of Argonauts,  Hercules and Aesculapius, the healer; the latter two later were immortalized as constellations.

He met a tragic end after being accidentally struck by one of Hercules’ arrows, which the hero had dipped in Hydra’s blood, a poison for which there was no cure.

Being the son of the immortal Cronus, Chiron was himself immortal. 

When the arrow struck him, he was in terrible pain, but stayed alive. 

Zeus eventually released the centaur from immortality, allowing him to pass, and later placed him among the stars.

Centaurus is usually depicted as a centaur sacrificing an animal, represented by the constellation Lupus, to the gods on the altar represented by Ara constellation. 

The centaur’s front legs are marked by two of the brightest stars in the sky, Alpha and Beta Centauri, also known as Rigil Kentaurus and Hadar.

The two stars also serve as pointers to the Southern Cross, which lies under the centaur’s rear legs.

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  1. Mam me Hridayesh, Mam खूप छान स्पष्टीकरण. तुम्ही या ब्लॉगमध्ये ज्या प्रकारे माहिती टाकली आहे ती मला खूप आवडली. पुढची वाट पाहतोय 🙏 Mam but I have a doubt. I can't locate proxima centauri and it is also very dim


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