Story of Bhadrapad & Pegasus
Bhadrapad Month started on 7 September 2021, when the Poorva Bhadrapada rising at East.
Today on 20th September moon is in Poorva Bhadrapada,Pornima.
English name for this constellation is Pegasus.It includes both Poorva Bhadrapada & Uttara Bhadrapada.
You can easily spot Pegasus, in the form of a big square.
He was created when the hero Perseus cut off the head of Medusa, a monster.
Pegasus sprang from the blood of Medusa.
With the help of the goddess Athena, a young man named Bellerophon caught Pegasus.
They had many adventures together.
However, when Bellerophon tried to ride Pegasus to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, Pegasus threw him off.
The chief god, Zeus, rewarded Pegasus with a place in the heavens.
Medusa was a beautiful young woman .
She was turned into a monster by the goddess Athena .
Athena caught her when the sea god Poseidon was spoiling her in the goddess’ temple.
Athena turned Medusa’s hair into snakes and made her face so ugly that anyone who looked at her immediately turned to stone.
Perseus was sent to defeat Medusa by a King .
His brother had Perseus and his mother Danaë in and raised Perseus as his own son.
The king wanted Danaë for himself and Perseus stood in his way .
He defended his mother from the king’s advances.
The king did not expect the hero to come back from his mission alive.
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