Jyestha month & Vrishchik Rashi

 Today  Friday,11 June ,3rd month of Hindu calendar started , that is Jyeshth.

The name is given from Jyestha Nakshatra ; Antares which is in Vrishchik Rashi; Scorpion constellation.

In this Rashi there's 1/4 Vishakha, whole Anuradha & Jyestha.

Therefore we should see Vrishchik Rashi.

Vrishchik means Scorpio.Jyestha is on the tummy of Scorpio.There are 3 stars, the middle one very bright & red is Jyestha; Antares.

It is red like Mangal;Mars, therefore called pratimangal; Antares.

Anuradha Nakshatra

In the Scorpion mouth there are 3 stars,the middle one Anuradha.

The Vishakha Nakshatra was called Radha in old days.After that it comes so Anuradha.

At the sting of Scorpio , there is Mul Nakshatra.

Greek story

The stubborn son Fetan of Suryadev;Appolo drived the horses of Surya's chariot furiously,a horrible Scorpio came in the way & the horses galloped.

It's the same Scorpio which had bitten Orion 

Orion had pride that he is the biggest warrior,so Jyuno Goddess asked the Scorpio to bite his leg.

Later on she regretted & placed both of them in the sky.

How was the story?

Do comment.

Bye till next story.


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