Corona Borealis(Uttar Mukoot)

In my last post we have seen Arcturus in Bootes constellation.

Exactly below it you can see C type Corona Borealis(Uttar Mukoot) with glittering seven stars.

Corona Borealis (“the northern crown”) is a small but recognizable horseshoe shaped constellation that is found in a relatively empty part of northern sky. 

It is said to represent the crown of a princess who was given the gift by her husband.

After marriage ,he merrily tossed the crown into the celestial heavens. 

Its jewels transformed into the stars of this beautiful constellation.

 Corona Borealis’s brightest member, Alphecca, is a white star situated 75 light years from Earth that shines with a visual magnitude of +2.23.

It's called as Uttar Mukut in India & also called as अरुंधती केश (arundhati kesh).

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Till then good bye.


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