Vaishakh & Tula Rashi

 Marathi month Vaishakh started on Wednesday,12th May ,2021.

The name is because of Vishakha Nakshatra.

It's in the Tula Rashi ;Libra Constellation.

Vishākhā is a nakshatra in Indian astronomy spread in Tula or Libra .

In Hindu mythology, Vishākhā is a daughter of king Daksha. She was one of the twenty-seven daughters of Daksha who married the moon-God Chandra. Vishākhā is the sixteenth nakshatra of the Hindu zodiac, ruled by the planet Jupiter Brihaspati or Guru, It is also the birth star of the Hindu goddess Sita.

Tula; Libra is situated in between Chitra;Spica & Jyestha;Antares in Vruschic; Scorpio.

Alpha & Bita stars of Tula; Libra make Vishakha Nakshatra.

Libra means “the weighing scales” in Latin. Libra is usually depicted as the scales held by the Greek goddess of justice Dike (or Astraea), represented by the neighbouring Virgo constellation.

Libra is the only zodiac constellation that represents an object, not an animal or a character from mythology. The four brightest stars in the constellation form a quadrangle. Alpha and Beta Librae mark the scales’ balance beam, and Gamma and Sigma Librae represent the weighing pans. The constellation is represented by the symbol ♎

Ancient Greeks knew the part of the sky occupied by the Libra constellation as Chelae, or “claws,” and considered it part of Scorpio constellation. Chelae represented the scorpion’s claws.

As a reminder that Libra was once considered a part of Scorpio constellation, the brightest star in Libra, Beta Librae, has the name Zubeneschamali, which means “the northern claw” in Arabic, while Alpha Librae, Zubenelgenubi, is “the southern claw.”

If you observe the space on Vaishakh Purnima, you will sometimes get to see a beautiful view. As the moon rises in the east, the two stars of  Vishakha are seen on both sides of the  middle full moon and sometimes the very beautiful core of the moon between the two stars of  Vishakha can be seen.

1/2 Chitra;Spica, full Swati;Arcturus & 3/4 of Vishakha Nakshatra comes in Tula Rashi; Libra Constellation.

So that was the story of the month.

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Next we will talk about another one.

Till then bye....


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