Swati (Arcturus)

Swati means ′su′ + ′ati′ meaning very beneficent. In Bhartṛhari's kāvyas it is called as " the real pearl "due to its brightness. It was the name of one of the wives of the Moon in Hindu Epics and the Sanskrit name of Arcturus . Arcturus is a red giant star in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth's sky and the brightest star in the constellation Boötes (the herdsman). Arcturus is also among the brightest Stars that can be seen from Earth. Astronomers say Arcturus will end up as a white dwarf at the end of its life. Locating Arcturus The easiest way to spot Arcturus is by following the curve of the "handle" of the Big Dipper (Ursa Major). A simple way to remember how to find the star is to recall the famous phrase "Follow the arc to Arcturus and then speed on to Spica." The light of Arcturus is so bright that the star was used to help open the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Chicago World's Fair Organizers for the Chicago World's F...