Falgun Month & Kanya Rashi
On 14 March 2021,Falgun फाल्गुन started.
In Marathi there's a proverb 'आधीच उल्हास त्यात फाल्गुन मास' meaning ' Already lazy & then there's Falgun'.Maybe because summer is starting & you know there's some sort of dullness in all.
The name is given from Uttara Falguni Nakshatra.
Kanya Rashi consists of 3/4 Uttara Falguni (Denebola), full Hast(Corvus) & 1/2 Spica.
It's called Virgo in English.
Virgo is the the second-largest constellation in the sky (after Hydra) and the largest constellation in the zodiac constellations. Virgo means virgin in Latin and its symbol is ,lying between Leo (Sinh)to the west and Libra(Tul) to the east.
How to locate
Virgo can be easily found through its brightest star Spica (Chitra).
Also we can locate it by Saptarshi ,the great bear.
Let's imagine a funny thing.
See the Great Bear to the left ,if a small ball is placed near it ,it will follow the imaginary path as shown.
Saptarshi,Swati(Arcturus),Chitra(Spica) & then goes to hand(Hast)(Corvus).
This line is also called as necklace of stars.
As the constellation is big , it's story is also big.So we will meet again soon.
Btw today i.e.on 14 the March, there's Meen Sankranti.That is Sun comes in Meen Rashi,the Pisces constellation.
Ok.Bye then.
Do comment.
Nice info. Specially the rolling ball😊😊👍👍👌👌