Magha Nakshatra & Sinh Rashi

On 12 February 2021 the 11th month of Indian Calendar i.e.Magh (माघ) started.

You can see Magha Nakshatra in Sinh Rashi (Leo) rises in the East.

Magha Meaning: “The Mighty” or “The Magnificent” or “The Great One”

How to locate it?

 You can easily see Saptarshi or Big Dipper in sky.The line passing through 2 pair of stars as shown extends to Regulus / Magha star in Leo.
The reverse question mark consisting of 
parallelogram is Magha,then 2 stars of Poorva Falguni Nakshatra & 1 star of Uttara Falguni Nakshatra.All these form the Sinh Rashi or Leo.

I will tell you story of lion in the next post.
Keep your queries if any in comment box &
tell about the post.
Bye till then.


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  3. मी काल रात्री 1.30 च्या आसपास पाहिले हे सर्व. तुमचं लिखाण छान सुटसुटीत. Map दिल्यामुळे आज concept जास्त चांगल्या clear झाल्या.


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