Kark Rashi (Cancer )

Why is it called Cancer ? It's Latin for “crab”, the shape of the constellation Cancer . In Sanskrit, it's Kark while Khekada in Marathi. This is also apparently why the disease is called “ cancer ” — a malignant tumour, cut in half with veins stretching out from it, apparently looked like a crab to someone. How to locate it in the sky? See the figure.You can easily find Mrug ,the Orion with 3 stars in straight line & 4 stars forming a rectangle. Draw a line through the front 2 stars of the rectangle downwards , you get 2 stars in inclined position.If you see leftwards, another pair of 2 stars is seen.This is called Punrvasu in Marathi. It's shape is like a parllalogram.We will see about this Nakshatra in detail in next blog. In the separated limbs of Y ,Ashlesha Nakshatra is seen, with a shape like Marathi letter ए. Parallel to this there are stars situated in Y shape.That is the Cancer. In Greek mythology, Cancer is identified with the crab that appeared while H...