Mrug (Orion)Part 1

15 December,2020, Tuesday,Dev Deepawali.

Starting of Marathi month Margashirsh.(Head of a deer)

In this month you can see Mrug Nakshatra in the East rising in the evening.It is Orion in English meaning hunter .

It's the brightest & most beautiful object in the  sky.

I personally like this Nakshatra very much.

As we have seen earlier half of Mrug Nakshatra comes in Vrushabh Rashi & other half in Mithun Rashi.

As the Mrug or Orion  is a big constellation it's story is also big,so let's divide it in two parts.

In this part we will know about the story of the constellation & how to spot it in the sky.

It's very easy to see because all the stars are bright of this constellation.

At 8 pm , in the East, you can see 4 bright stars & 3 stars in straight line in between.

According to Indians ,the 4 bright stars are 4
legs of a deer (Mrug) & the middle 3 stars arrow in it's pet.If you observe closely, you can see a triangle out side of the two legs towards North.That is a Mrug shirsh(Head of a deer)

If the line of arrow i.e.3 stars is extended then a bright star is seen which is Sirius .Vyadh we call it,means hunter.

Some people see it as a cot.(Khatiya)
New generation like Bimba see it as an mixer.
What western people think about it we will see in next part.

Till then bye...


  1. Wow nice writeup and very informative. I was surprised and happy for you mentioning my princess Adhriti's (Bimba's) thoughts too. 🥰🥰👍👍👌👌

  2. खूपच छान माहिती

    1. Wow. I learned as a child these are 4legs of a golden cot(bed) and 3 stars are the thief’s who are in to steal the gold. Amazing stories of the starts 😂.


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