Anuradha ,Jyestha & Mul Nakshatras(17,18 &19)
Look in the night sky at 11 pm in this month. You can see the magnificent Scorpio (Vrishchik) extending all over the East. It's a great pleasure to observe this beautiful object in the night sky. This is Vrishchik Rashi , the 8th in order. It consists of 1/4 Vishakha, whole Anuradha & Jyestha. Today Friday, 7 June ,3rd month of Hindu calendar started , that is Jyeshth. The name is given from Jyestha Nakshatra 18 th in order; which is in Vrishchik Rashi; Scorpion . The full moon is in this Nakshatra on Jyesth Pournima. In Maharashtra, it's celebrated as 'Vat Pournima ' Vrishchik means Scorpio. Jyestha is on the tummy of Scorpio. There are 3 stars, the middle one very bright & red is Jyestha Tara; Antares Star. It is red like Mangal;Mars, therefore called pratimangal; Antares. Anuradha Nakshatra is 17th in order. In the Scorpion mouth there are 4 stars,which form Anuradha Naksha...