Sky in February( 12,3,4)Nakshatras Ashwini (1)Bharani (2)Krittika (3)Rohini (4)

See the beautiful Mrug Nakshatra in South-East corner at 8 p.m. It is a rectangle with 4 stars.At the boundary ,4 feets of Mrug & the arrow piercing through it's belly consisting of 3 stars. You can spot the 3 stars in line easily. If you extend the line westward ,there's a red star which is Rohini. After a while when your eyes are adapted for darkness the 'V' shape of Rohini Nakshatra can be seen. If you extend it further just a bit offside a group of 6 stars can be seen which is Pleiades (Krittika). After getting Krittika, go for a small equilateral triangle, all stars are faint in this triangle. It's Bharani Nakshatra. Then go for 2 bright stars which are close to each other, the third star forms an abtuse angle. This is Ashwini Nakshatra. Ashwini means horse.It looks like Horsehead in inverse direction,so the name. These are first 4 nakshtras. Ashwini ,Bharani,Krittika, Rohini. There are 27 Nakshatras & 12 Rashis . Ashwin...