Amazing stories of Agastya Muni- Part II
Once Agasthya thought he should marry. So he went in search of a suitable bride to the King of Vidarbha who had a daughter named Lopamudra. Agasthya met the king and said,“0 King, I want to marry your daughter.” Lopamudra agreed to marry Agasthya. After marriage she followed Agasthya . She proved an excellent wife. She obeyed every wish of his and never said a word in disagreement. Agasthya was very happy to get such a dutiful wife. Once Lopamudra remembered the ornaments and silk sarees that she wore in the palace of her father. So she said very hesitantly to Agasthya, “I want to wear ornaments and fine clothes. Please get me some.” She was the daughter of a king. Hence it was natural that she should ask for such things. And he felt that it was his duty to fulfill her . He went to emperors and monarchs and asked them for ornaments. Many kings, feeling happy and thinking that it was their good fortune to fulfill the wishe...