Chamaeleon,Fly ,Bird & Table of Lords in the sky
Chamaeleon constellation Since Chamaeleon was unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans, it has no mythology associated with it, but it’s not hard to understand how it came about its fanciful name. As exploration of the southern hemisphere began, what biological wonders were discovered! Can you imagine how odd a creature that could change its skin color to match its surroundings would be to someone who wasn’t familiar with lizards? This constellation was appropriately named, given its ability to blend into the background! Small wonder that a constellation that blended right in with the background stars could be considered a “chamaeleon” or that it might be pictured sticking its long tongue out to capture its insectile constellation neighbor – Musca the “fly”! Musca constellation The constellation name means The Fly . There are 6 stars that make up the main constellation. The hipparcos satellite scanned and detailed 604 stars. There are 66 ...