Revati Nakshatra & Einstein's theory
The nakshatras are small constellations of stars that the moon travels through as it orbits Earth. In English, nakshatras are known as “lunar mansions.” Revati is the last of 27 nakshatras situated in Meen Rashi,the Pisces Constellation. The star denoted by red color is Revati. रेवती (Revati) comes from the Sanskrit word रेवत् (wealth and prosperity). Revati indicates a person who is blessed, beautiful, and prosperous. Zeta piscum is the astronomical name . The story of Revati is given in number of Puranic texts such as Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana. Vishnu Purana narrates the tale of Revati as follows, King Kakudmi (sometimes also called Kakudmin, or Raivata, son of Revata) was the King of Kusasthali. Revati was the only daughter of Kakudmi. Feeling that no human could prove to be good enough to marry his lovely and talented daughter, Kakudmi took Revati with him to Brahmaloka—ab...